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4. Usage — PhotoMiroir documentation

4. Usage

4.1. Upload Photos to a Remote Location

Star­ting from ver­sion 1.0, the Pho­to­Mi­roir al­lows you to upload the pho­tos to a Fli­ckr ac­count or to an FTP ser­ver. See Sec­­tion 3.1.2 and Sec­­tion 3.1.3 for the as­so­cia­ted confi­gu­ra­tion.

The upload only happens if the upload setting is set (see Sec­tion 3.1.1).

Pho­tos are on­ly uploa­ded once. If both Fli­ckr and FTP ser­ver are confi­gu­red, the pho­tos are uploa­ded to Fli­ckr.

You can either choose to upload the photos as soon as they are taken or choose to upload them as a batch at 4am (when de­lay_u­pload is set).

4.3. Accessing the Images from Another PC

4.3.1. From a Web Navigator

You can browse the pho­to gal­le­ry by ope­ning (af­ter re­pla­cing with the lo­cal IP ad­dress of your Pho­to­Mi­roir as shown in Sec­­tion 2.3).

4.3.2. With the File Explorer From a Windows Computer

You can browse the photo from your Windows file explorer by accessing \\\­Pho­to_­Mi­roir (after replacing with the local IP address of your PhotoMiroir as shown in Sec­tion 2.3). From a Linux Computer

You can browse the photo from your Linux file explorer by accessing smb://­Pho­to_­Mi­roir (after replacing with the local IP address of your PhotoMiroir as shown in Sec­tion 2.3). From a Mac Computer


4.4. Display a Slideshow

4.4.1. From a Web Navigator

The PhotoMiroir offers a native web slideshow if the sli­de­show setting is enabled (see Sec­tion 3.1.1). The slideshow display all photos randomly, and insert the new photos as soon as possible.

You can browse the pho­to sli­de­show by ope­ning­li­de­show (af­ter re­pla­cing with the lo­cal IP ad­dress of your Pho­to­Mi­roir as shown in Sec­­tion 2.3).

A new photo is shown every 8 seconds. You can change the delay to n seconds by adding ?d=n to the slideshow URL. For example: would change the delay between two photos to 5 seconds.

4.4.2. With a Native Application

You can al­so confi­gure a na­tive sli­de­show ap­pli­ca­tion on your PC to ac­cess the pho­to on the net­work sha­re, as shown in Sec­­tion 4.3.2

4.4.3. Add Predefined Photos to the Slideshow

You may add some photos that will be interleaved into the slideshow. For example, you may display some images in prder to advertise for the existence and the use of the PhotoMiroir. Those photos will be displayed in turn every ten photos. You may change this value to n by appending ?sb=n to the slideshow URL. For example: would change the number of photos between the predefined one to 5. You may also combine the d and sb parameter with the following syntax:

To add the pho­to you have to connect to the Win­dows file share as ex­plai­ned here af­ter, but first you have to iden­ti­fy your­self once on the ad­min pa­nel (see Sec­­tion 3.1.1) in or­der to create teh win­dows cre­den­tials. On­ly then you will be able to connect to the Win­dows share with the same cre­den­tials. From a Windows Computer

You can put additional photos from your Windows file explorer by accessing \\\­More Sli­de­show Pho­tos (after replacing with the local IP address of your PhotoMiroir as shown in Sec­tion 2.3). From a Linux Computer

You can put additional photos from your Linux file explorer by accessing smb://­More Sli­de­show Pho­tos (after replacing with the local IP address of your PhotoMiroir as shown in Sec­tion 2.3). From a Mac Computer