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3. Configuration — PhotoMiroir documentation

3. Configuration

Once the wi­fi is se­tup (see Sec­­tion 2.2), you can ac­cess the confi­gu­ra­tion pa­nel by na­vi­ga­ting with any web brow­ser to­min (re­place by the ad­dress that was as­si­gned to your Pho­to­Mi­roir as shown in Sec­­tion 2.3).

Most pa­ra­me­ters are string or in­te­gers. Some pa­ra­me­ters may be dy­na­mi­cal­ly ex­pan­ded with the cur­rent date or other pa­ra­me­ters as ex­plai­ned in Sec­­tion 3.1.5.

3.1. Event Admin

3.1.1. Event Parameters

On the confi­gu­ra­tion page (see Fig. 2.1), click on the Next Event Confi­gu­ra­tion link ❶.

The fol­lo­wing pa­ra­me­ters are then ad­jus­ta­bles:

Change event parameters

Fig. 3.1 Change event pa­­ra­­me­­ters

The event name and would also becomes the name of the photo album in which subsequent photos will be stored.
Description of the photo that will be added in the Ima­ge­Des­crip­tion EXIF field.
Tags that will be added to the photos when uploaded to flickr.
Comment that will be added to the photos as User­Comment EXIF field.
Should the PhotoMiroir create a local gallery that will be browsable via a web navigator.
Title of the main gallery HTML page.
Text that will be displayed as a watermark at the bottom of each photos.
Image that will be displayed as a watermark on the bottom right of each photos. It should be a PNG file with transparency.
Shall the photos be uploaded onto a remote computer (either flickr or an FTP server).
If set, the photos will be uploaded at once at 4am. If not, the upload is done as soon as the photo are fetched.
When doing a delayed upload, shall the photo be removed from the camera?
Shall the photo be removed from the camera as soon as they are fetched on the PhotoMiroir?
Shall an HTML slideshow be generated locally (see Sec­tion 4.4)?
If set, the photo size is reduced to 2028×1365 as soon as they are collected from the camera.

Do not for­get to click on the OK but­­ton to va­­li­­date the changes.

3.1.2. Flickr Configuration

On the confi­gu­ra­tion page (see Fig. 2.1), click on the Fli­ckr Confi­gu­ra­tion link ❷.

The fol­lo­wing pa­ra­me­ters are then ad­jus­ta­bles:

Change flickr parameters

Fig. 3.2 Change fli­­ckr pa­­ra­­me­­ters

The API key of your flickr account. See for more details on how to get the API key.
The secret key provided by Flickr which would allow the PhotoMiroir to post the photos.
If set, the photo published to flickr are made visible to the public.
If set, the photo published to flickr are made visible to your friends.

Do not for­get to click on the OK but­­ton to va­­li­­date the changes.

3.1.3. FTP Configuration

On the confi­gu­ra­tion page (see Fig. 2.1), click on the FTP Confi­gu­ra­tion link ❸.

The fol­lo­wing pa­ra­me­ters are then ad­jus­ta­ble:

Change ftp parameters

Fig. 3.3 Change ftp pa­­ra­­me­­ters

FTP server address (for example : ftp.example.­com).
FTP server port (usually 20).
FTP login name.
FTP login password.
Remote FTP directory server in which the photos will be uploaded.

You can test that the in­pu­ted pa­ra­me­ters en­able a suc­cess­ful connexion by cli­cking on the test connexion but­­ton. Do not for­­get to click on the OK but­­ton to va­­li­­date the changes.

3.1.4. Manual Photo Deletion

On the confi­gu­ra­tion page (see Fig. 2.1), click on the Ma­nual Pho­to De­le­tion link ❺.

You can then se­lect the pho­tos and pho­to gal­le­ry you want to re­move.

You can al­so force the de­le­tion of all pho­tos on the ca­me­ra.


When you click on the De­­lete but­­ton, all pho­­tos are re­­mo­­ved wi­­thout fur­­ther as­­king.

3.1.5. Note on Parameter Expansion

Some string parameters may contain a special notation like {pa­ram_­na­me} which says that the text between the curly_braces (included) is replaced by the content of the parameter referenced.

For example if event is set to May Par­ty, and tags contains pho­to­mir­ror "{e­vent}", then upon invocation, tags will be replaced with: pho­to­mir­ror "May Par­ty".

Moreover, there is a special date implicit parameter that may be referenced. For example, if event is set to {da­te:%b %d %Y} Par­ty will expand on the 28 of February to: Feb 28 2018 Par­ty. See Sec­tion 5.1 for the available date formatting codes.

On­ly the fol­lo­wing pa­ra­me­ters are sub­ject to pa­ra­me­ter ex­pan­sion.

  • event
  • desc
  • tags
  • exif_­comment
  • wa­ter­mark_­text

3.2. General Admin

3.2.1. Add or Delete Users

By cli­cking on the user ad­min link on the top right cor­ner, you can ac­cess the user ma­na­ge­ment in­ter­face if you have suf­fi­cient pri­vi­le­ges:

Access to user admin UI

Fig. 3.4 Ac­­cess to user ad­­min UI

3.2.2. System and Network Configuration

On the confi­gu­ra­tion page (see Fig. 2.1), click on the Sys­tem and Net­work Confi­gu­ra­tion link ❹.

The fol­lo­wing pa­ra­me­ters are then ad­jus­ta­bles:

Change system parameters

Fig. 3.5 Change sys­­tem pa­­ra­­me­­ters

Name of the wifi network on which the photo albums are browsable if gal­le­ry is set (see Sec­tion 3.1.1).
Password for the aforementioned wifi network. Left blank to allow people to connect without password.
Name of your local wifi network on which the PhotoMiroir may connect to the internet. This internet access would allow to update itself to the last firmware version and to upload photo to Flickr or FTP if configured to do so. It would also allows you to access the photos and the administration interface from your local network. See Sec­tion 2.2 for more on setting up the wifi access.
Password of the aforementioned wifi network.
The number of seconds for the PhotoMiroir to wait before trying to download photo from the camera.
Verbosity level, useful for debugging purposes only.

Do not for­get to click on the OK but­­ton to va­­li­­date the changes.