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1. Features — PhotoMiroir documentation

1. Features

The Pho­to­Mi­roir is a pho­to booth which has an elec­tro­nic-free look, and pro­vide se­ve­ral dis­tinc­tive fea­tu­res:

  • al­low people to browse pho­to from their smart­phone du­ring the event,
  • al­low the event ma­na­ger to ac­cess the pho­to du­ring the event,
  • pro­vide a web sli­de­show of last pho­tos to the event ma­na­ger,
  • upload pho­tos on fli­ckr, as soon as they are ta­ken or la­ter as a batch job,
  • add wa­ter­mark text and image to each pho­to­s,
  • add pre­de­fi­ned cor­po­rate pho­tos to be in­clu­ded in the sli­de­show
  • re­size pho­tos to li­mit their weight and the as­so­cia­ted net­work traf­fic,