Street photos — « Carnaval de La-Tour-d’Aigues »

I fi­nal­ly de­cid­ed to pub­lish some of my pho­to­s.

As I need to sort a lot of them, I start­ed with those al­ready on­line and which, be­ing tak­en while a pub­lic even­t, are pub­lish­able with­out ask­ing too many ques­tions …

Album du carnaval 2011 de la Tour-d'Aigues

These pho­tos are pub­lished un­der the cc-by-sa li­cense, which al­lows them to be reused pro­vid­ed they are at­trib­uted to my­self and that any re­dis­tri­bu­tion be­ing done un­der the same li­cence. I em­p­hazise this be­cause I had the great plea­sure to find these pho­tos in the mu­nic­i­pal­i­ty news­pa­per, un­for­tu­nate­ly with­out any ref­er­ence to the source of the pho­to­s…
